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Friday, April 27, 2007
Use of Laser in Dental treatment
Monday, April 23, 2007
Childhood fears
How to get your child to read books!
How to cope with your child’s fears
It is important that you help your children learn to cope with their fears in ways that preserve their dignity and self worth. Help your children to become familiar with the unknown. Their experiences in mastering the unfamiliar will give them the confidence they need to master new things rather than shrinking away from new situations. Here are some useful tips on how to cope with your child's fears.
1)Offer understanding of the fear
2)Read Special Books –
*There’s A Nightmare in My Closet- (A cute children’s story about nightmares)
*There’s Something in My Attic (A pied Piper book) - (All about things that go bump in the night)
*There’s An Alligator under My Bed- (More things that go bump in the night)
3)Do not ever belittle the fear
4)Help your children approach fears at their own pace
5)Avoid scary situations
6)Monitor what your child watches on TV
7)Good luck charms
8)Listen and encourage
9)Distract Them
10)Control your own fears
11)Magical, good luck thoughts
12)Offer support
13)Conjure up images to help conquer fears
14)Protect your child
Three-year-olds are so seldom away from caring adults that there is no need to scare them about people who might harm them. Most people love and protect kids, and it is only when children get older and begin wandering the neighborhood on their own that parents must teach them self-protection skills. For example, you might consider buying your daughter a whistle she can wear around her neck or keep in her pocket that she can blow when she is fearful. The whistle serves two purposes: It calls you to her side and frightens anyone who might harm her. It also allows her to control her fears rather than having them control her.
15)Do not let up on discipline and limits in order to appease a fearful child.
Women and War
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Maintaining Relationships
Two people who are in a long-term relationship discover that they have too many areas of dissimilarity. The most common reasons being, that they had different interests, backgrounds, sexual attitudes, intellectual ability, or views about marriage. People can avoid such problems, early in the relationship, by paying close attention to similarity factors. There are, however, some areas of dissimilarity that are difficult for a person to foresee, for e.g., different attitudes about spending versus saving money, looking after children, or simply deciding who will clean the bathroom, etc.
a) The relationship has to provide a high level of satisfaction.
b) Both partners must have already invested a lot of time and effort.
c) Alternative partners should not be readily available.
Largest killer disease in the world
Normally, a mildly depressed person is able to shake him / her self out of it and lead quite a healthy life. They are able to take the difficulties of life in their stride. However, not everyone has such mental capabilities. Some people feel so miserable that they stop living life and start thinking of different ways in which they can bring an end to their suffering, including death and suicide.
Some Facts about Depression.
Symptoms of Depression.
The symptoms of depressive illness are highly recognizable. A depressed individual has no interest in life, experiences low energy levels, and is not able to enjoy himself and the simple pleasures of life. There may be a decrease or increase in sleep or appetite and he will have difficulty in concentrating. As the depression progresses he may show indecisiveness, slow or fuzzy thinking and demonstrate exaggerated feelings of sadness, hopelessness or anxiety. His feeling of worthlessness increases and this causes him to have recurring thoughts about death and suicide.Causes of Depression.
There are probably several causes of depressive illness and different types of depression. Research indicates that there are several factors such as: Biological, Environmental and Cognitive, which may be responsible for this illness.Biological Factors
Research indicates that depression tends to run in families. In addition, depression is often related to sleep disturbances, which has led to the suggestion that it may result from the disruption of circadian rhythms.Interestingly, depression is more common during morning hours. Some people suffer from depression in different seasons. This malady is termed Seasonal affective disorder. People, who suffer from seasonal affective disorder, are depressed especially during colder and darker months of the year; that is, they feel happier in summers than in winters.
Environmental Factors
Majority of depressive episodes usually precede a stressful event, such as a divorce, and the adverse social reactions that follow may worsen the condition further.In the beginning, people often reward a depressed individual by giving him attention and reassurance. After some time, however, these people avoid the depressed individual as much as possible because it becomes very unpleasant to interact with a person who is in a bad mood most of the time. As a result, the condition of the depressed person worsens as he starts feeling excluded and lonely causing a lowered self-esteem.Cognitive Factors
Some theorists believe that maladaptive ways of thinking can also lead to depression. In addition, depressives may differ from normal people because they are more likely to take personal responsibility for negative events in their lives, even when the events are outside their control. They also tend to deny responsibility for positive events.Shattered and Lost lives. In terms of human suffering, the consequence of untreated depression is beyond measure. They include loss of self-esteem, “self-medication” with alcohol and drugs, family and career disruption, chronic disability and, in many cases, death. Suicide is now the 2nd leading cause of death among children and adolescents. 15% of those treated for depression eventually go on to end their lives. It is the 9th highest cause of death in the United States.
Suicide among the elderly people is increasing at an alarming rate. The number of women that attempt suicide is higher than that of men. Yet, a higher number of men are successful in doing so, as they are more likely to use lethal methods like shooting. The motivation for committing suicide also differs according to the gender. For example, a failure at work is a reason for which men, generally, commit suicide. Failure at love is a reason for both men and women to commit suicide (Women more than men). Divorced people of both sexes show a high rate of suicide than the rates of suicide in married couples, or single people.
Depression in children
Only in the past two decades has depression in children been taken very seriously. The depressed child may pretend to be sick, refuse to go to school, cling to a parent, or, worry that the parent may die. Older children may sulk, get into trouble at school, be negative, grouchy, and feel misunderstood. Because normal behaviors vary from one childhood stage to another, it can be very difficult to tell whether a child is going through a temporary “phase” or is suffering from depression. The rate of suicide in children and adolescents is increasing day by day, as the pressures and stresses in their lives have increased.How to Make Life Easier.
There are many ways to overcome your depression. There may be certain times of the day when you feel better; try to recognize them and use it to your advantage. You can set priorities for yourself regarding tasks. Break the larger tasks into small ones and take one thing at a time. Try to avoid taking too much responsibility and setting overly difficult goals in the beginning. At the same time, do not expect too much from yourself to lessen any feelings of failure you may have.Correct Diagnosis and Treatment
In spite of the fact that depression is a treatable Illness, very few people actually turn up for treatment.The correct diagnosis of this condition, by a physician, is very essential for the proper treatment. Other physical ailments can cause depression, such as viral infection, and these should be ruled out. A thorough psychological evaluation is also required before prescribing any medication. Treatment of choice will depend on the outcome of a complete diagnostic evaluation.
Over eighty percent of those treated with these medications respond favorably, and most are able to resume normal activity. Many find psychotherapy or counseling useful as well.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Is Technology taking over mankind?
How to prevent Dental Caries
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Natural Home Remedies for common ailments-3: Diarrhoea
Causes and Symptoms
2.Carrot Soup:
6.Bottle Gourd:
Other Remedies
Dietary Considerations
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Being a “stay-at-home” mom and a homemaker!
Natural Home Remedies for common ailments-2: Constipation
The most common symptoms of constipation are infrequency, irregularity or difficulty in passing stools. The other symptoms include a coated tongue, foul breath, loss of appetite, headache, dizziness, dark circles under the eye, depression, nausea, pimples on the face, ulcers in the mouth, constant fullness in the abdomen, diarrhea alternating with constipation, varicose veins, pain in the lumbar region, acidity, heart burn and insomnia.
The most important causes of constipation are a faulty diet and style of living. Intake of refined and rich foods lacking in vitamins and minerals, insufficient intake of water, consumption of meat in large quantities, excessive use of strong tea and coffee, insufficient chewing, overeating and wrong combination of foods, irregular eating habits may all contribute to irregular bowel movements.
The most important factor in the cure of constipation is a natural and simple diet consisting of unrefined foods, bran, lentils, green and leafy vegetables, fresh and dry fruits and milk products in the form of butter, ghee, and cream. Food should be properly chewed. Have meals regularly and on time. Avoid sugar and sugary foods.
Exercise and toning up the muscles also helps in treatment of constipation. Fresh air, outdoor games, walking, swimming etc. play an important role in strengthening the muscles and thereby preventing constipation.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Why is the baby crying?
1.Calm down yourself: First and foremost you need to be calm yourself if you are to be any help in calming the baby! Don’t start getting all hyper, the moment the baby starts wailing.
a.Stomach ache or gas problem: This occurs most commonly in babies after feeding milk. The baby needs to be “burped” every time after a feed. If you have forgotten to do it then do so now. Pick up the baby to your shoulder and pat it on its back with slight pressure upwards to help the baby to burp. Once the baby has burped, it has instant relief!
b.Insects, flies, bugs, ants biting the baby: If you have ruled all of the above criteria quite quickly then consider this. In India, specially, there could be these factors to rule out. Provide a clean and bug free bed to the baby.
c.Loud noises, sudden movements, dark room or shadows: The baby can be rattled if it perceives any threat to itself by a sudden movement or loud noises or even darkness or shadows etc. so, make sure that you comfort the baby and provide adequate security to it. Make sure that your baby knows that you are around and will come to its aid quickly. Don’t leave the baby unattended alone for long period of time. (Especially when it is awake).
d.Baby is sick? Is the baby sick with cold or fever? If you feel that it is then go to the doctor immediately and get treatment.
e.Has the baby hurt itself? You need to make sure that everything in the baby’s immediate surrounding is smooth and soft, as rough edges or sharp things can hurt the baby!
5.Last but not the least:Sometimes the baby may cry for no apparent rhyme or reason. It just wants to cry! Like you know…… it just feels like having a good bawl……….! In that case , I guess there’s nothing much you can do but wait till it has had his fill….! This can be quite exasperating as this usually seems to occur at night around bedtime. One very simple and yet very effective remedy for this is take out your car and take the baby for a long drive round the block! I know it sounds ridiculous. But, believe me I’ve done it a dozen times and it works like magic. The baby will fall asleep in the car! All the best.......
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